How To Cure Stomach Acid Naturally And Quickly

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How to Cure Stomach Acid Naturally and Quickly


Stomach acid, also known as gastric acid, is a natural substance found in your stomach. It helps break down food and protect against pathogens. However, too much stomach acid can cause uncomfortable symptoms, pain and even severe health problems.

Symptoms of Too Much Stomach Acid

Too much stomach acid can cause symptoms such as bloating, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and burping. Other symptoms include pain in the chest and upper abdomen, difficulty swallowing, dry cough, hoarseness, and bad breath.

How to Cure Stomach Acid Naturally

The good news is that you can reduce the amount of stomach acid naturally. Here are some tips for how to do so:

1. Avoid Spicy Foods

Eating spicy foods can increase the production of stomach acid and cause discomfort. Avoiding these foods can help reduce symptoms.

2. Eat Smaller Meals

Eating large meals can overwhelm the digestive system and cause an increase in stomach acid. Eating smaller meals more frequently can help reduce symptoms.

3. Avoid Trigger Foods

Certain foods can trigger an increase in stomach acid production. Common trigger foods include citrus fruits, tomatoes, garlic, onions, caffeine, alcohol, and fatty or fried foods. Avoiding these can help reduce symptoms.

4. Eat Yogurt or Drink Aloe Vera Juice

Eating yogurt or drinking aloe vera juice can help reduce the amount of stomach acid. Both of these contain probiotics, which can help balance the stomach's natural acidity.

5. Take an Antacid

If natural remedies are not enough, you can also take an over-the-counter antacid. This can help reduce the amount of stomach acid and relieve your symptoms. Be sure to follow the instructions on the package.


Stomach acid can cause uncomfortable symptoms and even severe health problems. Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce the amount of stomach acid naturally. Eating smaller meals, avoiding trigger foods, and taking an antacid can all help reduce symptoms and improve your overall health.


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