Treatment Of Sore Throat In 1 Year Old Children With Natural Remedies

Obat Radang Tenggorokan Anak 1 Tahun Informasi Kesehatan 2020
Obat Radang Tenggorokan Anak 1 Tahun Informasi Kesehatan 2020 from

Treatment of Sore Throat in 1 Year Old Children with Natural Remedies

What is Sore Throat?

Sore throat is an inflammation of the throat that causes pain and discomfort when swallowing. The medical term for sore throat is pharyngitis. It is usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection, but can also be caused by irritants such as smoke, dust, or pollutants.

Signs and Symptoms of Sore Throat

Common signs and symptoms of sore throat include pain or burning sensation in the throat, swelling of the tonsils, white spots on the tonsils, swollen lymph nodes in the neck, coughing, hoarseness, bad breath, and fever.

Natural Remedies for Sore Throat in 1 Year Olds

One of the best natural remedies for sore throat in 1 year old children is to provide them with plenty of fluids. This helps to keep the throat hydrated and relieve the discomfort and pain. Warm beverages such as tea or warm water with honey can also help soothe the throat. Additionally, adding some ginger, lemon, or turmeric to the tea can provide additional relief from sore throat.

Other Natural Remedies for Sore Throat

Garlic is one of the most effective natural remedies for sore throat. It is full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the inflammation and pain associated with sore throat. Eating garlic or taking garlic capsules can also help in reducing inflammation.

Saltwater Gargle

Saltwater gargle is one of the oldest and most effective home remedies for sore throat. Mix one teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle it twice a day to help relieve pain and inflammation. It is important to note that the gargle should not be swallowed, as it can be harmful to the body.


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